Somewhat recovered, Avan stood and forced open another tunnel, this one to Neron Alarast, and walked through. It was named the realm of Sorrow, but it was no more sorrowful than any other. No, this place was constantly in flux, the rules changing. Just as its shadow Lor-Neron Alarast was alive, this world squirmed in self-pity and anguish. It wasn't death, but a form of mockery of life, chopping and changing just as things began to settle. Avan Nerovast liked the shade of Sorrow more than the real thing, but this was the way of things. These ancient places existed in pairs, spinning around each other, and most of the Nul chose a favourite from their pair. He had once known why some were primary and the others shadows, but had lost the knowledge when he and the rest of the Nul split apart to become the wardens of the primordial realms; the Ennich. He had been worshipped long ago by the First People in Karal, back before the various arms of Maildun grew, and its essence leaked out, leaving it a worthless husk. He suspected it did not exist any longer, or it it did, it was inaccessible. Perhaps some of the First People would know. He had been one of them, originally. But he was the first hazeshaper. Back then he had been called Daret Nul, and that strange force had compelled him, urged him to splinter, pushed him into and spliced him onto the various realms, that force he had gradually come to recognise as the will of Garon. But why was Life the shadow of Sorrow? Because sorrow needed life in which to reside. Conception needed memory or what was conceived would be lost. Death needed to be forgotten, or what had died could not be put to rest.
He watched the border of the tunnel, watched the chromatic lines form and burst as Tahen – new realms – blossomed at the edge of the intersection before folding back in upon themselves. The blooming of these realms was a rare thing, but it did happen. He supposed there were other ways Tahen could be created – an individual with enough willpower might create one, or one who collected sufficient souls. Venilith may have started as a tunnel between realms. It shared a lot with Lor-Neron Alarast, and was much younger than any of the others. Not to mention it lacked a guardian, though that could just mean that none had yet been found. He had never been to Lor-Venilith, so couldn't really say for certain.
He turned his attention back to his world. Garon had come under attack recently and this was the entry point. Although the assault had been repelled, stuff had been left behind. The residents had been mutated. New creatures were being found. This was thousands of years ago; long enough for them to have established civilisations and dominions of their own, but this is what Garon would be worried about next. Avan had already set some plans in motion to prepare for another encounter, but... Well, these battles lasted for aeons, he would do his best. He sensed that Tera's influence had been countered, so perhaps he could enlist Rain to help with this also. Assuming she survived. She had proven quite effective thus far, though that wasn't surprising; Garon would no doubt have guided her. He realised Furgin was still there, blood dripping from his fangs – Avan thought the fangs were a nice addition – he must have grown impatient with something and eaten it. The mule seemed different to how he should. Yes, he had been infected with some strange magic from that conflict. It had started again, and Avan had been too caught up with this whole Tera thing to realise. Was this why Garon has been so agitated lately? He would tend to that later – it was better to focus on one thing at a time, and he would need to rest further before preparing for that. For now he would assist Hammer and Rain as best he could.
He opened yet another tunnel, this one back to the temple, near where he had dropped off Hammer before. Tentatively, reaching out with fingers of haze, he sensed the area. Tera's influence had almost completely faded. He reached further. Yes, he would be able to handle that easily enough now. He stepped through.
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